
.Recently also Jin Fan retainer long as Mr. Yamamoto Kei and Takuma B said &quot

"Aya wild just >" strain every nerve soul touch days "appeared for the first time the river drama" eight double cherry "the role of Matsuhira Yuho's thoughts
6 started starring Haruka Ayase NHK River drama "eight double cherry", actress Aya wild just in the Aizu Han (now Fukushima Prefecture) of the ninth generation of Lord Matsuhira Yuho (·?This is) plays.First appeared in the river drama Mr. Ayano, volume and, on the role of ideas and "eight double cherry" perceptions of listening.(Daily News Digital)

[] photo series, starring Haruka Ayase River drama "eight double cherry" scene photos

TV play, Fukushima Prefecture Wu Chen (born war on) sunset, Aizu crane city 500 people women and hostage, armed combat "end of the shogunate's Joan of arc", after the founder of Doshisha University New Xiang's wife Shinjima Yashige (1845 to 1932). Depict.The protagonist · eight of Mr. Aya Se, eight brothers, think horses for Mr. Nishijima Sujun, eight original · husband; Kawasaki Hisanosuke Hasegawa Hiroshiki, Aizu retainers long fan, Xixiang song for Nishida Miyukikuwa's mother.

Ayano played Matsuhira Yuho before Lord · Matsuhira Yukyung's adopted son, 1860 (million years Yanyuan), "Tian Ying door incident" on the occasion, the Shogun and user's mediation on the recognized position to the guardian, kyoto.In addition, our progenitors, security is developed the Aizu Han constitution should be called the "family" who must be loyal, "now is the righteousness of the gain and loss of weight, the future death regardless of Kyoto." his consistent consciousness of Kyoto.Aizu symbol of the soul's existence, our people not only subjects are also respected figure, however, "sincere" through honest, Aizu Han tragedy will cause.

the pine flat container is "heavy-handed role."

volume conservation role quote coming, Mr. Ayano said "Sir older plays the impression, so surprised" smile, develops time "decided to how to interpret such is not considered."."Books and through the network capacity and can really know is guaranteed, know people who are not in.Some people say is pine flat capacitance and alive this fact.I am the fact not distorted body live use only.How to interpret. "Change ball" and not be considered."Open idea".

Mr. Ayano to consider is guaranteed "stupid more straight too honest"."Tolerance and their mood and stomach retainers to convey the meaning of such retainers, is very close, so I want to play the leadership.To the end retainers "Temple", to be loved the human being."Volume guaranteed impressions.".As feelings and "tolerance and played tight while the thought, try hard reality show".Around what was said, "in any case also need not say, continue to implement the" double and also from the things u hard, elastic "volume and playing experience every day.

that Mr. Ayano, volume and played the "textbook" script.Mr. Ayano read the script, do not understand the language and place it in your notebooks, language meaning and origin one one adjustable work said, "I also containing growth if lightning marriage".

the shoot out there "temple!"

the Aizu Han retainers of long, Xixiang song mother as Westfield's common to perform many scenes of Mr. Ayano, however, "Westfield helped".Westfield in lounge from the "Temple" said Mr. Ayano, Mr. Nishida go eat.In the play, first of all, "I'm 16 years old, West cropland gentleman is a 21 year old setting, in reality is the western field is older, however, special awareness, actor predecessors, so and negative U is said to.Mr. Ayano noted that "each other with very good to do something for me is a matter of conscience accept the attitude, in order to not destroy".Recently also Jin Fan retainer long as Mr. Yamamoto Kei and Takuma B said "temple!"Alternatively, called Mr Yanagisawa Shingo "house, good morning!"Be greeted at the scene in the enjoyment of good.

Mr. Ayano for the first time in river TV show, but for the river is "particularly no impression."."For me, each work something special."The river so" special treatment is in."Finish.On the other hand, "just, river drama so ages widely, experienced cast gathered in such a thing.In this sense, "special".Related articles:

